COREPAD DESKPAD ESPORT XXXL Mousepad Corepads design

By CYES Corepad Deskpad


Deskpad Esport Updates

[22/12/2007] A Corepad Deskpad Esporter Special offer 22 EURO sealed package only.

[18/11/2007] A Deskpad Esporter domain as tribute to the Corepad Deskpad mousepads



Deskpad xxl mousepads the Brand Corepad!

As most gamers known Corepad has a name in the pc gaming market, with their high end MOUSE PADS.

If you decide to have a real gamers mousepad a big one the Deskpad XXXL from Corepad is a wel know standard Esporter mousepad.

You can buy them for most European Country's at CYES gaming webshop or and also for the rest of the World at Corepads webshop. Do you like fake then go elsewhere Enjoy :)

You love to game then you should love your and our Corepad Deskpad gaming mousepads. If you don't like gaming then this mousepad is a real eyecatcher and solution for on your desk as not only a "deskpad" but mousepad. The dutch Deskpad Esporter xxl site


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